This car beats traffic by using a flying drone

As the debates on drones rage on and they get used for everything from war to beer delivery to filmmaking, Renault has embraced the tech's ability to give you an Orwellian experience... in traffic. At the Indian Motor Show, they unleashed the KWID Concept and it's little buddy: an autonomous drone that follows you everywhere you go.

Don't worry about the KWID itself — it's a somewhat goofy, three-seat car-based SUV that will never see production, but its sidekick might actually appear with other vehicles some day. It strides the line between being crazy useful and tin-hat conspiracy spooky.

You control it via the dash-mounted tablet, or you can set it to automatic mode and it'll follow you like a puppy. Its main purposes, according to Renault, are taking landscape pictures (read: selfies while you drive), warning you if something's in the road in front of you (since you'll be too busy looking at that last selfie to notice), and "scouting traffic," which presumably means getting a better shot of the girl that zipped past you 30 seconds ago.

It's even programmed to return itself to a storage compartment in the roof of the car once you're done snooping/realized that chick was really a dude with long hair. Oof.

Aaron Miller is the Rides editor for Supercompressor. He's a little obsessed, but not in a sitting-outside-the-dealership-at-3a-with-binoculars sort of way. He undergoes track withdrawal symptoms on a regular basis and writes about cars as a salve, and you can follow him on Twitter.